Thursday, March 12, 2009

Planet Saturday Comics

If you've been a long time reader of my blog, you'll know that I enjoy reading comics of the all-age variety. I know that there are people out there who don't take comic books seriously, which saddens me because there is much to be gained by reading them. Comics are not just mindless entertainment to be read over breakfast, and they are not just for kids. If we take the time to read them with our kids we will discover that they can be an incredible teaching tool and can motivate as well as inspire our children in myriad ways. And oftentimes they're pretty funny, which leads me to our comic book of the day: Planet Saturday Comics - Volume One written and illustrated by Monty S. Kane.

This book is a collection of short, all-ages stories about childhood and parenthood. What really makes the book unique however, is that it is written from the perspective of a dad. The main character is Emory, a child with a big imagination, who dreams of superheros and dinosaurs. We also meet "M", who is actually the same character - he's the grown-up version of Emory and has a child of his own, Dot. The stories are humorous, true to life, and take you back to that magical world when you were a child.

I read Planet Saturday in one sitting and I had a smile on my face the whole time. I loved all the dream sequences and the relationship that M has with Dot and how he deals with all the misadventures. The comic illustrations are big and bold; they capture the essence of the stories perfectly. Another unique feature of the book that I absolutely loved was how each story has its own little written introduction. Here, the background behind the following comic story might be given, an explanation of the subject, or a general parenting observation. I found these little introductions to be almost like mini blog posts - highly enjoyable and gave more meaning to the story. All in all, I found this to be an extremely charming, endearing and humorous book to read.

If you don't consider yourself a comic book reader, this is a wonderful place to start. If you already love to read comics, this is a great addition to your library. Read more about Planet Saturday and see sample comic strips at the website. You can also purchase the book and other goodies. In addition, one dollar from every copy of Planet Saturday Comics, Volume One sold at the website goes to help uninsured kids get health care.

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1 comment:

  1. Will definitely check it out! I am a Calvin and Hobbes girl from way back. Never really warmed up to Peanuts.

    Have you seen Zits? Buckles? Two of my fav at the moment.


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