A cute little kid got up and asked Spielberg what movie he enjoyed making the most. He responded with E.T., and said that he had grown very close to the kids on the set. He explained that on all movies, the cast members become like family but when the movie is over, you go home and go on to other things. This time, however was different. He didn't want to go home and couldn't figure out why he was so sad. He then realized it was because this was the first time in his life that he wanted children and he had never felt this way before. He now has seven children, thanks to E.T.
I don't know if it was the fact that E.T. is one of our all-time favorite movies, or if it was because I was holding my sweet baby on my lap, but for whatever reason I began to tear up. It was dark, so I don't think anyone noticed. In any case, it was touching, and a beautiful declaration of what it means to have a family. A few minutes later, there was time for one more question. A man wearing a t-shirt that said, "if it's possible, I'd like to meet Spielberg and shake his hand and say thank you" came up and asked a question. The crowd started clapping as they read the shirt, and Spielberg invited him to come up on the stage. Peter Jackson started taking pictures of the shirt, and Spielberg followed suit. He presented the man to the audience, shook his hand, and the crowd went wild. Poor guy looked confused by all the attention he was getting. I got emotional again, because of how humble Steven Spielberg is, how much he embraces his fans. He even said that he shouldn't be up on the stage, that he should be in the audience with us. My favorite thing that he said to us was something like "Stay kids at every age. The day I grow up is the day I stop making movies, and that's not going happen anytime soon." Wonderful advice, from a legendary filmmaker.
Love this post. I totally would've cried too! He is such a legend. And I LOVE ET. : )
ReplyDeleteYup, thank heavens for family!!!Happy to have you in it!
ReplyDeleteAw, what a great post. I'm sorry I missed this panel now. There were just too many things going on at the same time, so we decided to skip this one but it sounds like I missed out on a great panel. I still don't know how you do it with kids. Future husband and I discussed it several times while walking around the con that we couldn't possibly imagine attending once we have kids. It's exhausting enough for us alone.
ReplyDeleteSpielberg is a talented director! How fun that you got to hear him speak live!