Saturday, June 15, 2013

New House!

I'm long overdue for an update. This is what we've spent the last year doing:

We bought a house! While we are extremely happy and excited to finally have our own place, the process was one I wish to never go through again. It took us a year of searching, bidding, and losing the bid due to multiple offers or cash buyers - over, and over again. There was much frustration and many tears shed, but in the end it paid off because we are really, really happy with this house. It is perfect for what our family needs and the kids love having a backyard! This year we were even able to do an Easter egg in the yard:

We are pretty much settled in now, so you can eagerly anticipate more posts coming up...extremely exciting, I know. Any long lost friends and family out there, give me a shout in the comments!

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  1. love your photos

  2. Congratulations! So exciting for you guys!

  3. Congratulations on your new house! It sounds like it worked out just the way it was suppose to and the house is working out nicely for your family. :-) Great pictures too! :-)

  4. So happy you got the house you did!!! :-)


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