Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Top Ten Highlights of Comic-Con 2011

After waiting in anticipation for so long, Comic-Con finally came and now it's over. To comfort my post Comic-Con blues, I decided to make a list of the top ten highlights of my experience:

1. Getting up at 5am and standing in line for three hours was no fun, but I managed to buy our tickets for next year!

2. Watching my son play Legend of Zelda on the Wii. SO cute.

3. Meeting up with an old college roommate and wandering the exhibition hall together.

4. Chatting with Andy Runton and buying his latest Owly book.

5. Seeing the entire cast of Napoleon Dynamite up close and hearing them speak about their new animated TV show. Also, scoring some Napoleon Dynamite t-shirts - sweet!

6. To the guy who took the DC Universe cape off his own back and gave it to me - YOU ARE AWESOME.

7. Hanging out with Gene Ambaum and Bill Barnes at the Unshelved booth.

8. Hearing my son exclaim "There's Comic-Con!" as we approached the convention center on the second day. Also, my Spider-Baby who was the "most adorable thing ever" according to one attendee.

9. Seeing Steven Spielberg live for the Tintin panel. He even made me cry.

10. Finally, we got some great loot this year. Check it out!

Can't wait until next year!

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  1. Yay! I made #3! Yes, Baby Spiderwoman was the more adorable thing ever...and thank you for linking to Unshelved! I was trying to remember their name for hours!

  2. Sounds like you had a blast! And that is a lot of loot! I love the "read to me" onesie! Too cute! :-)


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